Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Finally.... (Special Exposure Wednesday)

Finally, a picture of Ricki with her youngest nephew!


Anonymous said...

Mazal tov and much nachas from all your children and grandchildren

Beverly said...

such a sweet photo

mommytoalot said...

Totally touching. Love how adoring she is looking at the baby

VMI said...

Wow - that's beautiful. How careful and caring she is being with that new baby. Kudos to the new parents for being so open to someone else holding the baby (I know I was crazy about who held the first)

Wherever HE Leads We'll Go said...

What a beautiful photo! I love the look on her face. I think she is smitten!

Anonymous said...

Awwwww! What an adorable picture!

Coley said...

Oh wow, love it! Happy WW!

Batya said...

mazal tov