Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ricki’s Friend Meggie

Ricki goes to a weekly “chug” (club) with several other intellectually impaired teens and young adults. (All have Down syndrome except for one, Meggie. Meggie had multiple problems, including a crooked back.)
Last week Meggie. died of swine flue. Most of the girls in the club don’t seem to really understand, but Ricki does. Having lost her grandfather last year (and seeing in our visit in the summer that he was no longer present) seems to have made the reality of death more concrete for her.
Meggie was not a high functioning young adult, but she always had a smile and was very friendly. She used to disturb me when I was trying to get some paperwork done during club hours, with her many comments and questions. Now I miss her.
Please get vaccinated against this flue. Please.


Anonymous said...

Baruch Dayan HaEmet. I am sorry for yours and Ricki's loss. When there is enough supply in my local community in the U.S. to be able to vaccinate non-high-risk people, I will be the first in line. I've been desperate for a vaccine since the medical establishment first announced they had developed one.

Staying Afloat said...

Baruch dayan haemes.

Anyone in the states- vaccine availability is opening up big time now. Even if you called yesterday, ask again today.

Anonymous said...

My friend Fabiana caught Swine flu on Oct 31st and had a very dangerous seizure due to the flu while sightseeing in Chicago on a trolley, and ended up in the hospital. She's fine now, thankfully. She's gotten the shot afterwards.