I went to a sale which was advertised as having things for speech therapists, but almost everything was for working at kindergarten level. However, I did suddenly notice a floor puzzle, shaped as a globe. “What a perfect way to reinforce all the geography Ricki has learned” was my reaction, and a sale was made.
I realized that it might be a bit difficult for Ricki the first time or two, and resolved to help her the first time.
However, after making supper, I saw Ricki sprawled out on the floor, working on the globe-picture. She was having difficulty, and had started putting the pieces back in the box. I explained that she was capable of doing the puzzle, and just maybe needed help the first time or two.
“Tomorrow I will get it right!” she declared, in an enthusiastic, confident voice.

And she did. I ran a few errands the next morning, and on my return, Ricki proudly showed me the finished puzzle, and she has done it twice more since then.....
It's great that she did it without help.
(Word verification for this comment: emmet)
Very cool.
Happy Wordless Wednesday!
I love puzzles. Can I come do them with Ricki?
On another note, I believe Shirlee posted an email you sent her to a forum in www.prayfortrig.com. She didn't say it was you but it sounded like you. She did quite the attack on it and I will be responding to it. I just thought you might be interested in having a look at it yourself.
Thanks everyone.
DS Mama, It wasn't me. I decided that I can't reply EVERYTIME to idiocies on the web-don't have time. So if someone elsedoes it, I am free and off the hook!
That's good. Perseverance and persistence are great qualities for anyone to have.
I am impressed!
And I must get one for my granddaughters.
Where do you find things about sales for therapists? (I'm an OT in the process of making aliyah and I don't know if I'll be able to bring all of my therapy stuff with me)
Laeran, I happened to see it. I supose that professional sites have more.....
Every big conferance would also have sales tables out...
Speech things I sometimes order from England....
Toys are all different types are redilly available. But for REAL OT equipment, maybe check with Ezer MiTzion who the suppliers are.
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