Fifteen is an important number, Jewishly. There are 15 Psalms of Ascent (120-134). Passover falls on the 15th of the Hebrew month of Nisan, and Sukkot on the fifteenth of Tishrey.
Fifteen is also Ricki’s age as of today; today is her birthday on the Hebrew calander.
(My G-d, she is growing up FAST!!)
Happy birthday, Ricki!
Happy 15th year of Ricki's life, Ricki and Ricki's Mom! May you BOTH continue going from strength to strength!
Happy Birthday to Ricki!
Watching kids grow up is so amazing...
Happy Birthday Ricki! May she continue to grow, in all ways.
(Today is my daughter T.'s birthday too. Also Hebrew.)
Mazel tov.
L`orech Yomim Tovim.
Happy, Happy 15th Birthday Ricki.
Happy Birthday!!
I did not realize she was that old already!!
Happy Belated Birthday Ricki! May the next year bring you and your family much happiness.
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