Doesn't she look like too cute of a four-year old to die?
Well, die she did-murdered by her own relatives.By her grandfather, aparently who is her step-father as well (sick people do a lot of sick things....). And aparently the mother knew or suspected, if not more. And her father also didn't want her.
Why? She didn't speak well, she made in her pants, she was hard to handle. She had some "special needs" that no one took the pains to work on. No speach therapy, no treatment. No one wanted her. Just neglect,abuse... and death.
Her parents could have given her up for adoption. They could have asked for foster care. But they didn't care at all. So a cute kid, who probably could have been OK if someone had cared, was abused and murdered.
Torah says that G-d made man in the image of G-d. Gosh, it's awfully hard to see that image sometimes.
What message do we take from this? Those of us who are in the position to advise, give aid and support, to families of kids with disabilities, need to know that we can save lives.We can make lives abuse-free. We have to help parents come to terms with problems, cope with them, and get help. These things do not have to happen.
That is so sad :(. I'll never understand people.
How awful! That poor little neshama... This happened in Israel? Tragic...
This is so tragic! Our world can be cruel...
I haven't heard anything about this, probably because it's so far away. Things like this happen all too often, you are very right about how parents and others can make a difference.
This is a horrible story, its so sad.
It's reminding me of the Isaac Hersh story.
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