Tuesday, June 8, 2010

An Easy “Mitzvah”

A “mitzvah” (literally: commandment) is a good deed. And I garnered a very easy one yesterday…..
Yestreday morning I decided that I have to switch my morning walk to an earlier hour. Until now I have been walking after Ricki leaves for school, thus leaving the house at 7:30-ish. Yesterday I tried walking BEFORE Ricki awakened, leaving the house before 5:30. The difference in the heat and humidity was significant, and I am going to try and accommodate this change into a differently-arranged daily schedule.
Anyway, since I felt GOOD while walking, I was going at a pretty good (for me) clip. But as I “whizzed” by a street cleaner, I said a strong “Shalom” (hello). I saw him raise his head in surprise, and smile.
One word.
So easy.

So easy to help someone start the day off a bit nicer…..

1 comment:

Batya said...

Considering the climate, it's a good idea. I've been walking 9ish, because I have to wait until my husband can be with my father. Last night I got out early, because the girl doing community service was over. What a treat!