I was "tagged" by Renee from "Life with my special k's" and given an award. Thanks Renee, its nice to know that someone likes what I write. However, I am going to cheat a bit on the rules, and send this out to less than 7 people. I don't have time to read that many blogs.

Now here are the people whose blogs I think are really worth the time. I DO enjoy other blogs, but these strike me as deserving:
1. Terri at Barriers, Bridges and Books writes eloquently, mostly on disability issues, but I think anyone should be interested. See her posts of August 22 and 23.They are on disability, but are very thought-provoking.
2.Trish at another piece of the puzzle has in general lighter stuff than Terri, but has a lot of good ideas.Generally more relavent for those in the special needs crowd.
3.The Sandman, here, is written by an Israeli anesthesiologist. I just discovered this blog recently, but it makes interesting reading. As a nurse, I never realized how involved anesthesiologists were with their patients and their care.....
4. Carolyn at "Juggling Frogs" ... Pure common sense, from a mom in Massachusetts. Men, (do any men read here????) and any woman wanting a good laugh, go read her July 5th 2007 post (its on her sidebar) "Top 10 acceptable answers to 'Does this outfit Make me look fat?'"
Well, this is so exciting--my first award ever! Thank you for your kind words (now what did I write about on the 22nd???) I will be back to set this up in a bit!
You're welcome!! And thanks for posting it! :)
terri.. I am amazed! You write such a good blog, I fiqured you didn't have any awards posted on the blog's sidelines because it's all "old hat" to you!
Thanks for the award!
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