Friday, September 4, 2009

Good Peer Pressure

Here in Israel, kids in school have a “mini meal” at about nine-thirty or ten AM. Traditionally, this is bread, which IF a child didn’t eat breakfast in the morning, makes sense.
For the last several years, Ricki has not eaten this meal, because she DOES eat breakfast at home, and anyway with her Concerta medication kicking in full force, she isn’t hungry.
Now she is in a new school, and is interested in having her 10 o’clock snack. The first day I packed her some a pear, but she returned it untouched. Wednesday, she asked to take cookies (I limited the amount), and she ate them. Since Ricki is rather overweight, I was not too pleased with this turn of affairs.
Then on Thursday, Ricki prepared for herself a cucumber and red pepper, and a few grapes. “I want to take like Ruti does.” (Ruti is her friend.) For once, hooray for peer pressure!

PS No, in the end she didn't eat it!


Staying Afloat said...

Congrats! E. did something similar- he started taking the same sandwich as his friend, cut the same way, plus cut up red pepper. But he never ate the red pepper. Did Ricki eat her snack?

RivkA with a capital A said...

at least she's on the "right" track!

i find it easier to feed my kids veges if that's the first thing I offer them when they are hungry.

of course, that involves a certain level of organizational skill... which I do NOT posess.
