The good thing about our size? Our soldier sons can show up at home unexpectedly, and often. Just tonight my son called and asked if his younger brother was home.
-"He's asleep...."
-"Well... Maybe you can help me..."
What he wanted was for me to look up tomarrow's bus schuedule for the line that runs near his base to this direction.He didn't say he was coming home, so I assumed that he has an orthodontist appointment or the like. But if he is in the city, and has a few moments, he will probably hope over for a quick lunch, or to pick something up
Now THAT'S what I call an advantage!
Enjoy the visit!!!!!!
Leave it to you to find the good things in small packages. :-) May Hashem bless him and all of them, and keep them safe, and coming home often.
Umm G6 , I LIVE here in Israel!!!
Sorry. I just realized, G6, that you meant that I should have a nice visit with my son! I didn't understand at first, because I don't count on it until he walks through the door!
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