Monday, March 22, 2010

Magic Marker Monday- Prayer Book Cover

[image: prayer book cover on flowered chair.]
When Ricki started her new school, I was told that the arts and crafts teacher guives them nice, "grwn-up" projects to do. Well, that CERTAINLY is true! This praqyer-book ciover is what Ricki came home with last week, Don't ask me how she made it; I have NO idea!
You can find more of "Magic Marker Monday" HERE.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps you could call the teacher and ask her how Ricki made it and with what? I am curious too. I think it looks beautiful.

Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...

Wow. Very unique. I too would be interested to know!

monica said...

Wow what a great job and it looks beautiful!

mommytoalot said...

Wow..that is so cool. It sure beats macaroni art. Lets face it , it does get tiring year after year to get the same kind of crafts.
Love this idea.
Kudos to this teacher.

Marie said...

I'm with everyone else. Call the teacher! It does look beautiful.

Batya said...

I am impressed. That's a beautiful art project and practical too.

Mary said...

Fascinating project and so nice that the end result is something useful too!

Childlife said...

Absolutely stunning! Wow, Ricki -- I'm speechless! Soooooo very glad you shared your beautiful work with us this week :)

Michelle @ 5MFSN