Thursday, August 29, 2013

Paying for My Sins......

    Ever since my return from the US, I have had pain in my left knee.  Before losing weight I often had bouts of knee pain., and in fact, THAT was one of my big incentives to lose weight.  But once I had lost a decent amount, my knee pain basically stopped.
   But now the pain had returned, and the orthopedist decided that I have inflammation in the joint, apparently triggered by the strain of the two and a half weeks of hiking that I had just finished.He sent me for several tests: x-ray, ultrasound, and blood tests. The blood tests were fine- no sign of gout or rheumatoid factor. But the ultrasound was another story....
   As soon as the doctor doing the ultrasound started he turned to me, puzzled. "Did you used to weigh a lot more?" I admitted that his hunch was correct, drawing the response I knew was coming: "Well, your knee is worn down MUCH more than I would expect from your present weight."
    So I am paying now for the sin of years of abusing my body with overweight. And here I had hoped that I would be OK, having lost weight....
   If you are overweight, and still young, PLEASE do yourself a favor and don't wait for your knees to hurt to START to lose.
   In the meantime, I am hoping that physiotherapy, and a gradual reduction in the swelling will lesson the pain or erase it (at least for the time being).And the best thing is that it doesn't hurt when I walk, but rather when I am sitting!


Batya said...

During my jogging days, I had that strange sort of knee pain that hurt more when idle. My brother-in-law the chiropractor fixed it with a back adjustment. Please find someone good to do it for you. I have a neighbor who probably can, but I don't think you'll take the trip to Shiloh.

Cindy said...

Good advice. My husband is obese and has knee pain. He gets a cortizone shot every few months but he needs surgery. I hope your pain subsides and that you're rewarded for all your hard work in losing weight.