KOSHER COOKING CARNIVAL - Number 56! The Nine Days Are Here Again!
A “carnival” is like an online magazine, with blog articles on a certain topic grouped together. This is the 56th (!!) issue of KCC- the Kosher Cooking Carnival, managed by Batya. It is not only recipes, but anything connected with the Kosher Kitchen: kashrut in Jewish law, reviews of kosher restaurants and cookbooks, Shabbat and holiday menus, and kosher recipes.
Everyone, including my non-Jewish readers, may find the following usefull: Batya presents Eating Kosher, Much More Than Hot Dogs posted at me-ander.
You will find more on Dairy-free eating and kosher foods HERE.
Yisrael Medad presents Factoid - Munch On It posted at My Right Word.
Chabad World Headquarters presents Local Chabad Center Leads Challah Baking Workshop for Deaf posted at lubavitch.com Chabad-Lubavitch news site.
Yisrael Medad presents Man, Oh Manna posted at My Right Word.
Batya notes the ironic two-sidedness of countries outlawing shechita in Cruelty to Animals, Shechita (Jewish Animal Slaughter) and Hunting posted at Shiloh Musings.
Soon the wedding halls will be running full steam, after the nine days, and in an important article, Jerusalem Kosher News talks about “kosher” events that are catered, sometimes without full supervision.
Where I come from, blueberry muffins are breakfast foods, so this is where I am listing G6’s presentation of Food Photo Friday - The Season's Bounty posted at Guess Who's Coming To Dinner. (BTW, this can be Milky or Pareve.)
Yisrael Medad presents The Americanization of Hummus posted at My Right Word. Believers in pure hummus are in for a shock……(As he noted in the “Carnival comments”: “OMG. Look what is happening to hummus.”)
Batya presents Colorful Salad Recipe sans Picture posted at me-ander, which sounds delicious. You don’t have to be on a diet to enjoy this!
Suitable for the Nine days, Mottel presents Gourmet Mottel: A Dinner posted at Letters of Thought.
Batya presents an interesting use for leftover celery root in More Ways to Use Celeriac posted at me-ander.
I was reminded of my Russian-speaking ulpan roommate by Mirjam Weiss’s story of ulpan roommates.; She presents in addition a chicken recipe in Age Old Friends posted at Miriyummy.
Perfect for the nine days, Mirjam Weiss presents A Fishy Story in Two Parts posted at Miriyummy.
TRADITIONAL FOOD- SHMALTZ (This artery-clogging concoction belongs in a category of its own )
Mirjam Weiss presents Shmaltz - The Sequel posted at Miriyummy.
A story of “adoption” along with (at the bottom of the post) a butterscotch cheesecake recipe is presented by Miriyummy Dulce Dog Days of Summer posted at Miriyummy. She also gives us a honey muffin recipe; see Oh Didi Honey posted at Miriyummy.
For anyone feeling the summer heat, Gloria Kobrin presents Simple Apricot Sorbet--No Ice Cream Maker Needed!! posted at Kosher Cookbook App.
Anyone looking for cake, birthdaycake or not, need look no further than Mrs. S., who presents Birthday cake, as nature intended it posted at Our Shiputzim: A Work In Progress.
G6 presents (looks delectable, but not for my diet!) Food Photo Friday - Streuselkuchen (German Crumb Cake) posted at Guess Who's Coming To Dinner.
For those with a sweet tooth, Mirjam Weiss presents Lambs to the Daughter posted at Miriyummy.
Chana Rubin, a registered Diatician, talks about reducing the salt in our diet.
And last (but not least, Rickimom (that’s me) writes about some kitchen gadgets.
That concludes this edition. Thank you to Batya for managing the Kosher Cooking Carnival.. Offer to host an upcoming carnival by contacting Batya. Submit your blog article to the next edition of kosher cooking carnival-kcc using our carnival submission form. Past editions can be found on our blog carnival index page.
Hey! Lookee here, I'm the first to congratulate you on a job well done.
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for your hard work and for the linkage!
Everything looks so yummy :D
I have obviously forgotten to submit posts for this edition of kcc; it seems the previous one was only yesterday.
Thanks for hosting this kcc and sharing lovely recipes with us.
Excellent - and delicious-sounding! :-) - job!
Thanks for the link, and chodesh tov!
Fantastic job. Sorry, I can't send out the announcements tonight. I need some tech help about using the apple computer.
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