Friday, April 9, 2010

The Thrown-Away Earring

The main gift I bought Ricki for Passover was a necklace and two earrings made of colored crystals. The second I noticed this set in the shop, I realized that Ricki would LOVE it, and purchased it despite the slightly inflated cost. And I was not wrong about her loving the set. She chose this set to wear all Passover, every single day. But on one of the last days, I noticed Ricki throwing one of the earrings into the trash. On questioning her why in the world she was doing so, she replied that the other half of the pair was missing. I warned her that we would undoubtedly find the missing piece eventually, and then she would be sorry for having thrown this one out. She did not listen to me, and I did NOT fetch the earring from the trash. I decided to let her “live and learn”. Now we found the missing piece of jewelry, but Ricki seems rather complacent about it all. Now I am regretting letting the first half of the pair go to the dumpster, it’s a shame on the money, and it seems that Ricki didn’t learn a thing…….


Anonymous said...

You never know what she learns. In a similar situation in the future you can remind her of what happened this time.

tesyaa said...

Under the circumstances, I might have followed the same course of action you did, and ended up with the same regret. I think the best thing to do might have been to surreptitiously save the thrown-away earring. Even if you decided to teach Ricki the lesson, it's possible someone else could have used the earring. But like I said, I might have done the same thing.

tesyaa said...

I meant to say "someone else could have used the pair of earrings" - once you found the matching one.

RivkA with a capital A said...

I would have fished it out when my kid was not looking and stored it away somewhere....

Even after they found the earing, I would wait a bit... so they could learn the lesson.

Then I would magically present the earing and suggest that next time they head my advice.....