Ricki did this homework page on the 7 special fruits of Israel, including drawing them (or their product): (top to bottom) bread (from wheat), barley (she drew a stalk), wine (from grapes), figs (she drew 2), pommegranet, olive, dates (2). She is studying about these fruits in connection to the upcoming festive day celebrating TREES!
I love it when homework and art collide :) Wonderful work Ricki! (And thanks for sending me on a homework expedition of my own -- I learned a little about Tu B'Shvat this morning)
Out of curiousity, did you know Hebrew all your life or did you learn it when you moved to Israel? Was it difficult to learn? They look complicated to me. :)
Ricki and I had similar thoughts today!
I guess we both like making lists in preparation for a chag ;)
I love it when homework and art collide :) Wonderful work Ricki! (And thanks for sending me on a homework expedition of my own -- I learned a little about Tu B'Shvat this morning)
~Michelle @ 5MFSN
What a great way to focus on the list. I'll bet she remembers the fruits better than she would have just listing them.
You educated me too!
Happy upcoming New Year of the Trees!
Out of curiousity, did you know Hebrew all your life or did you learn it when you moved to Israel? Was it difficult to learn? They look complicated to me. :)
I only learned the Hebrew alphabet before I moved here. I picked the language up over the years.It is an easier language than English....
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