About a month ago, Ricki had left her glasses on the floor, several times, until the inevitable happened: someone stepped on them. At least the lenses stayed intact, so I only had to replace the frames. Than, a few days later, Ricki threw the glasses into the trash. Unfortunately she neglected to inform me of this for about 24 hours, by which time the expensive eyewear was well on its way to a landfill.
So I decided that first off, Ricki needed to have her eyes checked. I assumed that her prescription had perhaps changed, and the “wrongness” was bothering her. Secondly, I waited a week. I let Ricki experience for a week what life is like without glasses.By the end of seven days, she DEFINITELY wanted her glasses. In the end, her prescription stayed the same. I can only assume that perhaps they felt “hot” (sweat accumulating under them….).
You can find more of "special exposure Wednesday" HERE
Oh I can so relate to this - we seem to spend a lot of time and money at the optometrist getting Ashlea's glasses repaired! Although I do have the advantage that she can't yet throw them in the bin! But leaving them on the floor to get trodden on is a regular occurrence...
Beth has broken her glasses maybe one time and that was an honest accident.
We do have a difficult time at the optometrist because we can't be sure if Beth really can see better now... or now. :)
Her optometrist now uses numbers, "Do you like 1... or 2? Do you like 2... or 3?" That has helped and Beth now walks out happy with her glasses.
I feel for her. I just found my glasses after 2 weeks. I wasn't going to spend money on a new pair, so waited patiently. Great photo!
I am thankful we have not had to "do eye glasses" - Ben would eat them within minutes. Ricki is patient to sit with that contraption on her head - more patience than me!
Hopefully that week without glasses made her realize how much she needs them and to take care of them :) I think Kayla will need glasses in the near future and I anticipate a battle with her keeping them on!
Turned it into a learning experience, that's awesome. Hopefully, she did learn.
That was really smart to wait a week and let her see the difference! I'm definitely tucking that idea into my parent pocketbook for future use.
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