Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Exercising Our Spiritual Muscles

Every time we do something that we know is right—but which is hard for us- we are exercising and strengthening our spiritual muscles. Whether it is refusing a snack we don’t need, getting out to walk after eating a heavy meal on Saturday, responding patiently to someone who has cut into line ahead of us, or turning off the computer and going to sleep on time…….
Doing the correct action affects our ability to choose properly. Each time we do the right thing, it makes it easier for us to continue in the path we have chosen.


RivkA with a capital A said...

Every once in a while, I manage to turn off the computer and go to sleep when I should. But it never gets easier to me.
Proof: it is 2:18 am and I am still on the computer!!

Belinda said...

Thanks Rickismom! I think I'll go to bed right now!