Being Convinced that I need to get some muscle- strengthening exercises into my weekly routine (not that I found TIME for it yet...), I trekked over to the nearest sports store to buy some accessories. I bought an rubber resistance-type band and a pair of one-half kilo ankle weights. As an afterthought, I decided to buy some dumbbells. I tried the one kilo pair, but decided that they were too light, and bought 2 two-kilo weights.
On my arrival home, I dumped all the items on the table, and decided that it would be real smart to wear the ankle weights a bit around the house in the evening. But when I tried to wear them, I discovered that they were WAY too small. (Maybe they would fit an anorexic. But not my ankles.) So they are in temporary storage, waiting for the day that I get thin enough to wear them.
The world is quickly becoming a place for only “normal” people. Manufacturers, caring only about profit, aim for the size that most people are. Most firms don’t even made XL size. Left-handed people are also often overlooked. If you are smaller, shorter, taller, or fatter, it’s just too bad. Buy (and pay) for larger shoes, custom made. Sew your clothing.
---And if you don’t have the money, or time, or know-how, that’s just too bad.
I saw on the news today that a 120 lb. model was fired for being “too fat”. Soon we’ll have to be anorexic, just to have the “privilege” of purchasing clothing.....
For more of "31 for 21" (blogging in October for Down syndrome awareness)go HERE
Here in the US, more people are overweight than ever before ... all the stores, such as Target, and catalogs now offer plus sizes, even Lands' End, for example.
But yes, the plus sizes probably cost more. That's not fair. After all, a size 16 costs the same as a size 2. Why all of a sudden at size 18 do they suddenly have to charge more?
I attended a diversity workshop at work today; it was actually pretty interesting. We only touched on discrimination due to appearance, but there were a lot of things to think about.
I don't know if they have them in Israel, but they have adjustable weights in the States-- it goes from .5 lbs. - 10 lbs. in one weight; you put in or take out 1/2 lb. weight bars to get to the desired weight. They have them for legs and arms.
If you have not already seen this video, its amazing. And if you have seen it before, watch it again. I love it!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYhCn0jf46U (if that link does not work, go to YouTube and search for dove evolution.
one size fits all or one size fits none! aargh! and even when it is after we lose the weight, there are those that don't notice or will only mention that we still need to lose more weight!
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