Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Allowing Yourself

As I pointed out in yesterday's post, I attempted (and suceeded!) in doing a very strenuous hike (for me) on Monday. Above scenic Bear Lake there are three other lakes, Nymph, Dream, and Emerald. When I had last visited my mother, two years ago, I only climbed to the first two beyond Bear Lake. On Monday I stretched myself a bit (OK., a lot...) and trecked up to Emerald as well.
It felt good to meet the challenge, and the view was stunning. (Sorry, the pictures will have to wait till I get home.)
What I noticed is that I was the fattest lady on the trail. There were a few overweight people besides me, but only a few.

Whch brings me to my point today. If you are overweight (or whatever), can you allow yourself to do things that are not done? How many times do we deny ourselves the chance to do something because we are "too heavy", "too old", , a parent, an adult, a---- whatever. If something looks like fun, is moral, legal, and affordable.... don't deny yourself the pleasure just because it "isn't done".


Anonymous said...

I agree ... but many of us Orthodox Jews live in a community where appearances are very, very important. Conformity is a virtue. How do we know when it's OK not to conform? I'm asking rhetorically.

CJ Srullowitz said...

Most overweight people aren't out hiking, so good for you to buck the trend. Also, the issue I would think might be one of health concerns rather than conformity.

rickismom said...

I mean conformity IS important (especially if you have kids and non-conformity impacts on them). However, I feel that sometimes we fear "what will everyone say?" too much, and in reality no one cares so much if we are slightly different once in a blue moon.

G6 said...

Amen to that!!!!

Now if I only had the guts......