Sunday, February 10, 2008

Can I Change?

The Jewish New Year has come and gone. Many people have made resolutions for the upcoming year. I haven’t yet, and I’m not so sure why not. Is it because I’ve been too busy to think? Or perhaps because honest appraisal of my life will lead to realizations that I must make changes in areas I prefer NOT to change? Or is it because I am already questioning my ability to make any meaningful changes at this point in my life?

I suspect that it is a bit of them all…..

One change I AM making. I am cutting out a LOT of the blogs that I follow. I enjoy them. But I do not have the time to read several blogs daily. So if you see that I stopped following your blog, please DON’T be insulted. If you ever have anything really interesting, or something you would like my comment on, just tag the link on to a comment here, and (without promising) I will try and check it out.

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