Sunday, August 3, 2008

Cloth store and Vegetable Store, and the Phone: Independence!

As I mentioned on Monday, I was with Ricki in the cloth store, buying cloth to make a dress for her sister’s wedding. The saleslady showed us several samples. Her first selection was nice looking, but I was afraid that, being light pink, would not look good on Ricki’s large figure. So I asked for a second set of fabrics. The second set did not suit my fancy, but I did not need to protest. Ricki piped right up; it did not suit her at all. The third idea suited both of us, and that became our purchase. The sales lady was so impressed by her maturity, her independence.
The next day we had to go buy some vegetables. Ricki did virtually all of the work, and the only thing I could find fault with was when she put the tomatoes under heavier items. I often send her to this store with a small list. I suspect that soon she’ll be ready to do the weekly vegetable buy.
Today, on Shabbas (there is no traffic in our town on Shabbas, Saturday), Ricki walked over on her own to a friend’s house, and as I told my husband, “why not?”. Later in the day I refused to let her go a second time, since the friend was not in, and I was afraid that Ricki would make a pest of herself to the friend’s older sister (who had entertained her during the first visit).
Meanwhile, I have received several phone calls over the last few days. Ricki has made various phone calls, often several at one sitting to someone who is out. She gets the answering machine, and apparently doesn’t realize that they are not home. The nicest story came from Ricki’s sister-in-law, M. who told me that Ricki had requested that they come for shabbos (Saturday). M. told her that she would talk it over with Ricki’s brother. At the end of the 5 minute conversation, Ricki reminded her to ask her husband, and the next day called to hear the results!
It is obvious that Ricki wants more independence, and I guess I will have to teach her about putting the squishable fruit on top, and about answering machines. If she wants that independence, it’s a sign that we have to go for it!


Anonymous said...

That was lovely! And inspirational. And nice to read. Thanks! Barbara

Terri said...

Very cool! That is amazing growth!