Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Nu, Just Do It!

   Generally I go swimming every Monday and Wednesday evening, my intent being to swim at least 1 kilometer each time (40 pool lengths).The swimming not only gives me aerobic exercise (as well as the 25-minute walk each way to and from the pool), but gives my arm a workout, which I need as my major exercise is walking. And, in addition, I enjoy the time there… usually at least.  This year the facility has even been heated a bit better than it had been in previous years, so the cold weather is no excuse not to go. (I'm not saying that it is WARM, but once you get swimming, it's OK….)
   However last week, even though I had the doctor's OK to swim (in spite of a torn tendon in my arm), my swimming pace was a bit slow---- and that, along with the wind squeaking through the cracks, made me COLD. The result? I wasn't sure this evening (Monday PM) whether to go to the pool.  But in the end, realizing that I had NO WHERE near my "mandatory" 10,000 steps, I shrugged and told myself "Nu, Just DO it!"
And I did.
And I felt great, swam fast, and wasn't cold at all. I even squeezed 50 pool-lengths in.  Even walking home I felt energized.

    You know, sometimes we have a task to do, a chore, or something that just doesn't appeal to us right at that moment. And sometimes we just have to shrug and "get on with it". And so often, we end up enjoying the task, or at least finding it easier than we thought we would. So often the REAL problem is not the task, but in our own minds. When we circumvent those inner doubts, fears, and disbeliefs, we liberate ourselves to succeed, to accomplish….and to change for the better.


Annie said...

Good for you to just do it, and thanks for sharing it. It is good motivation for me right now.

A Soldier's Mother said...

Good for you and then some! You are so right about becoming self-motivated...I so need to do that and each day, week, I tell myself I'm going to and then I don't...you truly are in inspiration!!!

LindaSue said...

excellent observation - we tend to put up barriers which exist in our minds -go ahead and do what we know is best and Ta DAH you accomplish what was needed!

Skeeter28 said...

great motivation; we often are own worst enemies; ugh to procrastination! Happy New Year

CindyyB said...

So very true...just making myself start is the key. Sometimes I say, well just do 10 minutes and once I get started I can do the full workout. Other times I get to 10 minutes, still don't feel motivated and stop. But hey! at least I got in the 10 minutes and that's a victory. Great blog!

Batya said...

This post has been including in the Shiloh Musings: Bo בא Come! Havel Havelim and the Sh'vat Kosher Cooking Carnival.  Please check out the carnival, visit/read the other blogs, link and share, thanks.

Cindy said...

You are so right! Most of the battles are in our minds. Proud of you for swimming even when you really didn't want to!

Cindy said...

You are so right! Most of the battles are in our minds. Proud of you for swimming even when you really didn't want to!