Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Something “Interesting”

Several months ago I saw a well thought out on-line booklet (in Hebrew) on the topic “Me and My Family”. I printed it out, and saved it for use this summer. However, one day about a month ago Ricki noticed it, and took possession of it, “Lock, stock, and barrel”….. Yesterday as I was cleaning her drawers out, I came across it, and glanced at the answers she had written. Some where cute, and some were totally off-topic. But suddenly I noticed this: Question: What is something interesting about your mother when she was your age? Ricki’s answer: “She didn’t have Down syndrome.”


Batya said...

That is interesting...

Debbie said...

Interesting that it is the first thing she thinks of as a difference.

(Send me your email address and I'll tell you where I am. You can click on the link for my email address in my profile. AKA debbiesteps)

Cindy said...

Wow. So insightful. I would love to meet Ricki some day.