Very early on in
my weight-loss journey, I realized that one of my biggest “triggers” to
overeating was lack of sleep. And that the reason I didn’t get enough sleep was
because I had to “manage” to do “everything”. I had to be perfect. I tried to be perfect.
It just didn’t
And I have seen
this tendency in many other women as well.
Why in the world
do we push ourselves past the point of what sanity would dictate? And even if we can answer that question
(which I was able to do after a LOT of thought and reflection), to relearn that
feeling that I have to do it “all” is SO hard to beat! (Jewish sages say that
it takes 70 years of work to undo a bad habit, and quite frankly, I don’t have
seventy years! LOL).
I think the key
Practicing here and there
NOT being perfect
Positive affirmations when
we are NOT able to do it all (Mine is: “G-d created you as an imperfect being.
My task is to grow/progress, not to be perfect.”)
Learning to love ourselves
as we are
Are YOU a perfectionist? Can
you share an affirmation that helps you?
I WOULD HAVE LIKED to add in here a cute photo, but it is almost time for me to leave for swimming....... So you will get this sans a picture; the post will be
imperfect, and that is OK!